The development of evacuation procedures for people accompanied by pets is a disaster prevention measure in itself
AP: Diverging Legislative Approaches in the Fight against Dog and Cat Meat
Guangzhou Pet Poisoning Incident
Japanese School Dog Association Made Trip to Taiwan to Observe the Famous Taiwan's School Dogs
AP: South Korean Legislators Honoured by World Dog Alliance While Its Founder Met Former President Moon Jae-in as Country Celebrates Dog Meat Ban
Korea's National Institute of Animal Quarantine and National Taiwan University signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) on veterinary forensic medicine
The evil pet breeders spreading across Japan
Sohu News: Dog Lovers Day held successfully in Korea with a gift from the Korean government
Vietnamese woman married to Taiwan was accused of running a dog meat farm
Vietnamese running restaurant to sell dog and cat meat in Hong Kong pleads guilty and sentenced to 17 and a half months in prison
926 Dog Lovers' Day and Golden Dog Awards Ceremony Held in Seoul and Reported by Chosun Ilbo
WDA Announces Golden Dog Award 2024 Winners with full-page Advertisement in Korea’s largest media Chosun Ilbo
WDA visits Indonesia to meet with the President-elect’s party and the Ministry of Agriculture
“Dog Cat Diplomacy” Championed by Genlin is Reported by Associated Press (AP), the World’s Biggest News Agency
Korea and the US Push for the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats
World Dog Alliance: U.S. Congress Passes Appropriations Bill Including the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats
International Agreement and Domestic Legislation: A Two-pronged Approach to Save Dogs and Cats